What is a Reiki Sound Healing Session?
Sound creates a space that is conducive for healing, and has been used as a healing tool in various cultures for thousands of years.
In a Reiki Sound Healing session, Elaine uses her seven crystal singing bowls (a Crystal Tones Tanzanite Alchemy™ bowl, a Heart Chakra Quartz bowl, a Crystal Tones Yagna Alchemy™ bowl, a Crystal Tones Citrine Alchemy™ bowl, a Crystal Tones Diamond Alchemy™ bowl, and a Crystal Tones Ruby Platinum Alchemy™ bowl) to give an intuitive 15 minutes sound healing, followed by a 1 hour Reiki session.
The sound healing is a channelled meditative sound bath, and may be followed by one or a few of the bowls being sounded directly over different points of the body, if Elaine is intuitively called to do so. The pure therapeutic healing frequencies and vibrations from the crystal bowls facilitate shifts in consciousness, as well as the physical and energetic body, and helps open the body to a deeper and more profound Reiki session.
A Reiki Sound healing session with Elaine lasts for about 1 hour 45 minutes. During that time, there will be a discussion before an hour and 15 min Reiki sound session, and a debrief afterwards.
Reiki supports the body in its healing process, and balances the system holistically. The Reiki Sound session may benefit you on a physical or emotional level, and may also bring up insights on what you may need to be aware of to support you on your healing journey. What you receive from your session with Elaine will depend on what you are ready and open for at that time, and may unfold beyond the session. This simple increase in awareness can often be very powerful for healing and transformation.
Book a Reiki Sound Healing Session
Reiki Sound Healing sessions are done at Hougang Ave 5, or can be arranged as house visits.
The calendar below shows Elaine’s availability for Reiki Sound Healing sessions at Hougang Ave 5.
Slots marked ‘Available’ are sessions available for booking at Hougang Ave 5. To book an session, please book via the calendar below, or send a text to 9488 2454.
Rates: Additional $40 on top of cost of Reiki session, per session*,
*Cost of Reiki sessions for reference: $190 for one hour Reiki session, $490 for package of 3 sessions. Reiki Sound Healing sessions are an additional $40, per session, on top of these rates.
House visits
The same rates above apply. Transport fee of $40 – $60 per session is chargeable for house visits (hospital visits not applicable for Reiki Sound healing), depending on location. House visits at Sentosa has a transport fee of $60, due to distance and toll.
If you like to arrange for a house visit, please indicate in the comments in the form or in your text, together with your preferred time, and we will revert on availability.
If you have any additional questions and wish to speak with Elaine, you may contact her @ 94882454.

What is a Reiki Sound Healing Session?
Sound creates a space that is conducive for healing, and has been used as a healing tool in various cultures for thousands of years.
In a Reiki Sound Healing session, Elaine uses her seven crystal singing bowls (a Crystal Tones Tanzanite Alchemy™ bowl, a Heart Chakra Quartz bowl, a Crystal Tones Yagna Alchemy™ bowl, a Crystal Tones Citrine Alchemy™ bowl, a Crystal Tones Diamond Alchemy™ bowl, and a Crystal Tones Ruby Platinum Alchemy™ bowl) to give an intuitive 15 minutes sound healing, followed by a 1 hour Reiki session.
The sound healing is a channelled meditative sound bath, and may be followed by one or a few of the bowls being sounded directly over different points of the body, if Elaine is intuitively called to do so. The pure therapeutic healing frequencies and vibrations from the crystal bowls facilitate shifts in consciousness, as well as the physical and energetic body, and helps open the body to a deeper and more profound Reiki session.
A Reiki Sound healing session with Elaine lasts for about 1 hour 45 minutes. During that time, there will be a discussion before an hour and 15 min Reiki sound session, and a debrief afterwards.
Reiki supports the body in its healing process, and balances the system holistically. The Reiki Sound session may benefit you on a physical or emotional level, and may also bring up insights on what you may need to be aware of to support you on your healing journey. What you receive from your session with Elaine will depend on what you are ready and open for at that time, and may unfold beyond the session. This simple increase in awareness can often be very powerful for healing and transformation.
Book a Reiki Sound Healing Session
Reiki Sound Healing sessions are done at Hougang Ave 5, or can be arranged as house visits.
The calendar below shows Elaine’s availability for Reiki Sound Healing sessions at Hougang Ave 5
Slots marked ‘Available’ are sessions available for booking at Hougang Ave 5. To book an session, please book via the calendar below, or send a text to 9488 2454.
Rates: Additional $40 on top of cost of Reiki session, per session*,
*Cost of Reiki sessions for reference: $190 for one hour Reiki session, $490 for package of 3 sessions. Reiki Sound Healing sessions are an additional $40, per session, on top of these rates.
House visits
The same rates above apply. Transport fee of $40 – $60 per session is chargeable for house visits (hospital visits not applicable for Reiki Sound healing), depending on location. House visits at Sentosa has a transport fee of $60, due to distance and toll.
If you like to arrange for a house visit, please indicate in the comments in the form or in your text, together with your preferred time, and we will revert on availability.
If you have any additional questions and wish to speak with Elaine, you may contact her @ 94882454.